
White German Shepherd Dog puppy. Six weeks.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Opening day for the WGSD blog.

Whether you have a puppy like I do, or you're a seasoned white-coated German Shepherd Dog officianado, this blog offers a common platform for showing off the breed, or your own special version of it, like little Shiloh in this picture. I certainly hope you'll stick around and contribute as it's those who do that make projects like this blog truly engaging, and successful. Not to mention fun to read! 

My first real blog entry will be this week of the 12th through the 18th, and will open up the subject of dread that Shiloh may have to endure soon. Panosteitis, or Pano for short. Aka: Growing pains, wandering lameness, long-bone disease, and others. 

German Shepherd dogs, and other big breed dogs, seem to suffer with panosteitis most often at around six months of age, but it has been known to flare up in mid-life on rare occasions. It afflicts one long bone at a time, so it rotates through each of the eight bones with its pain, and inflammation. My last WGSD would lie on his bed and whimper incessantly, either due to pain, or not being able to run and romp like any six-month old Shepherd loves to do, perhaps even at both, poor guy.

Check back with us tomorrow to read a more in-depth article regarding this painful affliction.

Until then, don't forget to give your WGSD the exercise he needs. Nothing says love to your dog (especially WGSDs) more than playing with them. 


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